How to write SEO Content? – 10 essential tips to write blog content this 2020
Do you want to enter or improve the insertion of your company in a market?
Globalization and the extension of technologies is today a reality. It is not new that the success of a business largely depends on its immersion and reach in the network. Thus, the development of marketing through websites becomes essential and SEO web positioning an objective.
However, we also know the amount of information that is updated on the internet every day, being completely saturated. How to appear in the first options in search results? If your objective is to stand out, writing content in SEO copywriting – Search Engine Optimization is your answer, an effective method to naturally position a web page in Google by selecting keywords.
We will share 10 essential tips to write blog content this 2020:
1. Determine the purpose of the SEO text and your target audience
To make it easier for you, you can answer these questions: What do I mean? Who (s) do I want to read this article? How do I tell you? This will make the interaction you have with your users much more efficient since they will feel alluded to with the text. Meeting your search needs is one of the main goals in content creation.
2. Establish a content planning and strategy
For this, we recommend you include elements such as publication dates, order and content priorities in a calendar so that the objectives set at the beginning are successfully met one by one.
3. Study the contents of the page to select the keywords
After having them, evaluate again without being the ones indicated in consideration of your project. As with the target audience, try to use words that are liked by the search engines, so they relate the information in the optimization process. In this step it is convenient to look at the volume of searches and the level of competition they have.
4. Use your keywords harmoniously
Strategically position keywords and keyphrases throughout your content. It is essential that the main keyword is always present in the first paragraph and in the page header. In addition, you can include it in the title to improve the snippet (unit formed between the title and the description of a page) in Google search results. Repeat the main keyword more frequently and the others at least once. Attention: you should always try to have the greatest possible reach in your potential consumers. In relation to your keywords, use them in different ways, both plural and singular and incorporate synonyms since not all of them use the same vocabulary. All these actions will result in a better optimized content. Expand your reach and start SEOing!
5. Be careful with writing SEO content that is too short!
Make sure your keywords allow you to develop a meaningful topic in terms of length. Articles containing less than 1,000 words do not tend to significantly increase organic traffic to your website, search engines like Google do not interpret relevant short texts as relevant. You will be better off writing between 1,200 and 2,000 words!
6. Make your title flashy and accurately capture what your audience is looking for
What better to find on the web exactly what I’m looking for? In order to do this in a big way, you have to have done a great job in the third tip we gave you. Try to maintain a close and attractive language throughout the text. Some form techniques are: write naturally, inserting your keywords so as not to overload the text and make it more user-friendly.
In addition, you can use different formats in the text (italic, bold, capitalization, underline, etc.) to highlight the most relevant, so you can attract attention and facilitate reading by the consumer.
7. Add some audiovisual material
Entering a page and leaving in a few seconds is not the same as entering and staying on it for several minutes. The second clearly demonstrates that the content is much more relevant to the reader. This can be achieved by introducing audiovisual material that complements the content of your article and, at the same time, retains your potential consumer for longer.
8. Keep all your SEO articles interconnected, in such a way that the consumer exclusively browses your pages to find all the information they need
In this case, it is recommended that you include an internal link in the first paragraph of your article, and at least 3 internal links throughout the text. Attention: this will also depend directly on the length of the post.
9. Keep your content always updated
As time goes by, the oldest articles lose relevance and therefore the web positioning decreases. For this reason, updating your publication date and / or the content you have written is a very good strategy to prevent this from happening and to keep your content relevant.
10. Do not expect your audience to reach your articles by themselves
The keywords will be of great help to you, but you also have to start searching for them. Therefore, it is essential that you share your content on all the social networks of your brand once you publish them and that you give them great visibility on them. Maximize your reach!
We know that the application of these elements will help you to improve the visibility of your blog on the page results of search engines and so you can achieve the web positioning you are looking for, bringing the connection with your target audience closer to the millions of users who browse by Internet. Not using the SEO system in blog content writing is a great disadvantage nowadays and the good news is that you only have to follow it step by step. It will allow you to appear in the first search options and without having to pay for advertisements permanently. This web positioning will not only increase organic visits to your website, but will also attract potential customers, ensuring long-term results.
Along with blog content writing, you should also be looking at Social Media content – both should be the most important parts of your SEO strategy this 2020.